Sunday, August 26, 2012

How to build a simple, brick stove "rocket stove"

Materials needed:

  • Hammer
  • Hatchet
  • Bricks (Make sure the bricks are dry, water soaked bricks may explode when heated!)

To build this stove, you will need at least 16 bricks and two of them will need to be chopped in half. Which is easier then it sounds. So, don't worry just pretend you are a magician and follow these steps.

1. Using the hammer and ax, score the brick on all four sides

 Just like this, keep working around the brick. The more time you spend making the score, the cleaner the break. 

 Once it is scored, give it a good whack on one of the sides and it will break. Done.

 2. Lay down the base layer on an even surface. Use one of your half bricks in the center. Make sure you are building it on something that can get hot, these bricks will get very hot! Here, you can see I built it right on the ground.

3. Build the second layer, leaving an opening in the front. Make sure to over lap the bricks, so the structure will be strong. Use another half brick, as I have done here, on the front right.
 4. Next layer is the same as the last. The only difference is the placement of your half brick. It winds up on the other side, due to over lapping bricks.
 5. Fourth layer, use 4 full bricks. The front right one will be held sturdy by the fifth layer.
 6. Fifth layer, overlap the fourth with four full bricks.   Some extras in the front, you will see why.
 7. When you are ready to use it, start a fire and get some hot coals going inside.
 8. Use kindling and smaller sticks.
 9. Once it is going like this, you can add fuel from the front.
The extra bricks I used, hold the wood at a good angle for stoking the fire.

Here we are using a cheap metal grate from the thrift store, you can also use some small pieces of brick or rocks. The reason for this, is to let air escape around your pan or pot. If you place your pan directly on the bricks, it would not allow for the right air flow. So this step is crucial.

This stove once burning properly will produce very little smoke. It takes a surprisingly small amount of fuel to cook a meal or boil some water for tea. We have been using this to cook all our meals lately, it's great!

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